Cai, L., E. McGuire, N., Hanlon, R., Mooney, T.A., Girdhar, Y. "Semi-Supervised Visual Tracking of Marine Animals using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles" International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2023.
Kayser, M.* Cai, L.*, Falcone, S., Bader, C., Inglessis, N., Darweesh, B., Costa, J., Oxman, N. "FIBERBOTS: An Autonomous Swarm-based Robotics System for Digital Fabrication of Fiber-based Composites." Springer Construction Robotics, Dec. 2018.
Kayser, M.* Cai, L.*, Falcone, S., Bader, C., Inglessis, N., Darweesh, B., Costa, J., Oxman, N. "Design of a multi-agent, fiber composite digital fabrication system." Science Robotics, Sep. 2018.
Keating, S. J., Leland, J., Cai, L., "Toward site-specific and self-sufficient robotic fabrication on architectural scales." Science Robotics, Apr. 2017.
Conference Publications
Cai, L.*, Chang, K.*, Girdhar, Y., "Learning to Swim: Reinforcement Learning for 6-DOF Control of Thruster-driven Autonomous Underwater Vehicles." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025.
Macauley, K., Cai, L., Adamczyk, P., Girdhar, Y. "ReefGlider: A Highly Maneuverable Vectored Buoyancy Engine Based Underwater Robot" IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
Girdhar, Y., McGuire, N., Cai, L., Jamieson, S., McCammon, S., Claus, B., San Soucie, J., Todd, J., Mooney, T.A. "CUREE: A Curious Underwater Robot for Ecosystem Exploration." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.
Salazar, J., Cai, L., Cook, B., Rus, D. "Multi-Robot Visual Control of Autonomous Soft Robotic Fish." IEEE AUV, 2022.
Cai, L.*, Boyacioglu, B., Webster, Van Uffelen, L., S.E., Morgansen, K. "Towards Auto-tuning of Kalman Filters for Underwater Gliders based on Consistency Metrics." IEEE OCEANS, 2019.
Girdhar, Y. Cai, L., Jamieson, S., McGuire, N., Flaspohler, G., Suman, S., Claus, B. "Streaming Scene Maps for Co-Robotic Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.
Kayser, M. Cai, L., Falcone, S., Bader, C., Inglessis, N., Darweesh, B., Costa, J., Oxman, N. "FIBERBOTS: Design and Digital Fabrication of Tubular Structures Using Robot Swarms." RobArch, Aug. 2018. (Best Paper Award) [paper]
Conference Presentations and Workshops
Cai, L., Yang, D. X., Jezequal, Y., Mooney, T. A. , Girdhar, Y. “Quantifying Marine Animal Response to Surveys Using Underwater Vehicles.” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Robotics and Sustainability Workshop, 2024. (3rd Best Poster Award) [poster]
Cai, L., Yang, D. X., Jamieson, S., Girdhar, Y. “Robot Goes Fish: Rapid, High-Resolution Biological Hotspot Mapping in Coral Reefs with Vision-Guided Autonomous Underwater Vehicles” IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) CV4Animals Workshop, 2023.
Cai, L., McGuire, N. E., Hanlon, R., Mooney, T. A., Girdhar, Y. “Semi-supervised Visual Tracking of Marine Animals in the Wild.” IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) CV4Animals Workshop, 2022.
Cai, L., Hanlon, R., Girdhar, Y. “Evaluation of Semi-supervised Visual Object Tracking Methods For Fully Autonomous In-situ, Tagless Tracking of Marine Animals.” IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) CV4Animals Workshop, 2021.
“WARPAUV: A low-cost, vision-guided AUV for robotics research.” Northeast Robotics Colloquium, 2019. Poster.
"Digital Construction Platform." Northeast Robotics Colloquium, 2017. Poster.
[NERC site]
"Digital Construction Platform." MIT RoboCon, 2017. Presentation.
[MIT RoboCon site]